The four types leader thrive industry

The Social Supers

Social Supers have figured out how to do well by doing good. They believe that social initiatives contribute to profitability and develop or change their products and/or services to be more socially or environmentally conscious.

Example: Ben & Jerry’s

The Talent Champions

These leaders share a commitment to doing good, with a clear vision of the path forward. They embrace their responsibilities to train their employees for the future of work, take a long-term view of technology investments, and lead with workforce development.

Example: Apple

Disruptive Drivers

Disruptive Drivers are executives who make technology investments to capitalise on the opportunities associated with Industry 4.0. They take a more holistic approach to decision-making.

Example: Samsung

Data-Driven Decisives

Certain executives are more inclined to have clearer decision-making methods and use data-driven insights. As a result, compared to other leaders, they’re more likely to capitalise on the opportunities associated with Industry 4.0.

Example: Google

Final thoughts: The digital age has made it more critical than ever for businesses to adapt quickly to change. You must be able to problem-solve on the go.

How can we help? 

If you feel like you’re not measuring up, relax.

At We Explain Stuff, we’ll help you get that process right. We do this through our online strategy workshops and they are dynamite.

This is what you can expect:

  • It only takes an hour.
  • We help you simplify your thinking for the team.
  • We explain your strategy on one page.
  • You get a game plan to remove complexity.
  • You choose the digital assets to make it happen.

Click here to book your session!

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Based on the outcome, we problem-solve with you to create a way forward that empowers you and your staff.

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About Garth Jemmett

Garth Jemmett is the founder of We Explain Stuff. He helps business leaders escape complexity by making strategies, processes, products and services easy to understand.

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