Seven reasons why digital transformation fails

7 reasons why digital transformation fails

Digital transformations are complicated. Years of research on transformations have shown that up to 70% of these organisational changes fail. Why? Below are seven reasons:

Wrong mindset

When it comes to change, mindset is everything. But often, staff lack the right attitude or inhibit the change because they fear becoming jobless. As a result, the transformation fails even before it has begun.

Flawed processes

The current organisational processes are flawed, have not been sufficiently analysed or mapped out to ensure they achieve the desired outcome for the business.

Lack of clarity

Another common mistake is to purchase digital tools or solutions, thinking you can retrofit them to the business strategy. First, define the business strategy, then find a suitable digital solution.

Staff undermined

Leadership meets and decides on the future transformation of the business without consulting staff. Instead, external consultants facilitate discussions and do research.

Customers ignored

A significant voice often left out of digital transformation initiatives is the customer’s voice. Instead, meetings and strategy workshops are held to present a perceived customer view versus an actual one based on insight and understanding.

Rigid leadership

In any digital transformation initiative, change needs to happen in an agile manner. This is difficult for traditional top-down decision-makers who want to be in on every decision instead of empowering their teams.

Poor communication

Very few things will let down a transformation initiative like poor communication will do. By far, the biggest challenge is understanding that leaders need to cater for different types of learners. That means sharing information in various formats, not just one.

Final thoughts

The digital age has made it more critical than ever to adapt quickly to change. A vital component? You must problem-solve on the go. And share the bigger picture across your business in a way everyone understands.

How we help you

At We Explain Stuff, we create space for leaders and their teams to have strategic conversations. We do this through our online strategy workshops, and they are dynamite. Below is a basic outline of what you can expect:

  • It only takes an hour
  • We help you simplify your thinking for the team
  • We explain your strategy on one page
  • You get a game plan to remove complexity
  • You choose the digital assets to make it happen

Find out more

If you’d like to find out more we offer a 30 min discover call.

Based on the outcome, we problem-solve with you to create a way forward that empowers you and your staff.

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About Garth Jemmett

Garth Jemmett is the founder of We Explain Stuff. He helps business leaders escape complexity by making strategies, processes, products and services easy to understand.

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