When it comes to landing your message, the first thing you need to know is who’s your audience and what matters to them. While it sounds obvious — in all my years of working in sales and marketing – I’m still amazed at how few leaders get this right.
Don’t believe me? Then answer this: what were the key takeaways from the last sales pitch you heard or the presentation you attended? I bet you can’t remember. You started fidgeting in your seat and checking your emails five minutes into the first string of buzzwords. It wasn’t your ADHD acting up. It was the presenter’s indifference to your needs. He only had himself in mind.
This type of presenter wants to show you how smart he is by squeezing as much information as possible into a 45-minute timeslot. And he doesn’t stop there. He uses big, fancy words only he understands, which further widens the communication gap between him and you. By now, you’ve sunk so deep into distraction he’s lost your attention forever. I know this, because it’s what I do for a living — help business leaders land their message by simplifying complex information.
Why have I devoted the past 18 years to creating clarity for my clients? Salespeople don’t understand what they are selling — and neither do their customers. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Think about this: when was the last time a presentation or sales pitch really spoke to you? What was it about? I bet you can remember. This is because the message resonated with you. It was aimed at you. And this was no happy accident — the message was engineered to land with a soft thud, coaxing you into action.
The presenter knew you’d be in the audience, and he worked hard to construct a presentation that speaks to you. How did he do this?
Here are three of my top tips to land your message:
1. Do your research
Before you even think about what you want to say, make sure you know to whom you want to say it. Run a focus group or a survey on your website. What makes your audience tick? Do your homework, so you can deliver a message that will resonate with them.
2. Work backwards
Start your presentation with the end in mind. What action are you trying to inspire? When you know where your message is heading, your audience won’t have to think too hard about the next steps.
3. Always consider your audience
People are time-poor and distracted. Don’t waste their time with big fancy words and an avalanche of information. Choose the key takeaways that will inspire action – and make them interesting. Use stories, graphics, and analogies to create a message with lasting impact.
The best presenters understand that by tomorrow, you’ll only remember 50% of what they said today. And by the end of the week — only 10%.
How we help
We are experts at explaining complex products and services simply. Just ask our clients in healthcare, finance, and technology. Once we’ve unpacked your information onto one page, we’ll create powerful tools – like infographics, presentations, and videos – to help you land your message.
Need help with your next presentation?
Drop us an email on hello@weexplainstuff.com or visit weexplainstuff.com to learn more.
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